I've known from comparing Mistuh K to K-Man's pictures and by remembering what K-Man wore during basketball season at church that my little guy was definately smaller than his brother. And it's not much of a surprise when I think about those weeks of trying to force feed him when he was refusing the bottle.
His pediatrician seems somewhat concerned as well. She wants me to stop baby food and go to table food, since it has more fat in it. She said to stay on formula, even though she was okay with K-Man moving to whole milk at this age. She wants me to add butter and cheese to everything I can, give him chocolate milk or Carnation instant breakfast in a cup (seperate from his formula as she wants him to still get enough of that), feed him fast food - whatever he will eat! She thought he might really love table food and eat it really good.
As you can see, she doesn't know my son well. I have yet to see him like CHANGE, especially when it comes to his diet!
This face is from scrambled eggs with cheese, butter, and some bacon flavoring. And he acted like I was torturing him. Ma-Ma would not have liked this sesson as he was screaming and mad. I had to pry his jaw open with one hand to try to get the spoon into his mouth, but then I discovered I needed another hand or two as he would use his hands to smack the spoon away. So then he got in trouble for that and would cry more. And the feeding sessions have now lengthened to an hour.
So, I decided that this child will never believe me when I tell him he was so difficult to feed and give a bottle to. So, I'm gonna get it on video. Why not? I know, videoing him screaming seems mean, but it's not like I was hurting him - he was just throwing a fit! So I get it out, and thats when it gets even better --
After an hour of fighting to get the food in him, he pukes it all out. On camera. Yeah... I stopped recording at that point and breakfast was done...
Although he hasn't thrown up again, meals were still taking forever and have been a fight. And I forgot to mention he's sick, too. His doctor said it was just allergies, but his nose is runnign like crazy and he's contantly coughing and sneezing. Which means, IF I get a bite in, it can still come back out. Usually in the form of a spray all over me.

But we had a good morning! I threw half an avocado, half a banana, and half a cup of plain yogurt into the blender. Avocado is supposidly very fatty (yet healthy!) and its one of the things I read

over and over when researching "fattening a baby" :). May sound and look gross, but he ate it ALL! He even opened his mouth for it and smiled!
If he eats better and they are fattier foods, the combo should increase his weight gain. We go back in one month to check his weight again, and he may have to move to Pediasure or something else. We'll see!